

Today is the last business day and we are calculating results of trading on internal onecoinexchange - xcoinx.

27 orders

  • 19- expired
  • 4 -executed
  • 5- pending

Conditions: current price for onecoin on internal market is : 7.7529EUR (trading on "market" conditions )

Well.. you can conclude by yourself is this good or bad result. We shall not make any conclusions before we pass 3 months of constant trading. 
Our second month of trading will be everyday orders with "limit" conditions: 1 onecoin = 7eur .
It will be interesting to know how internal market will react on lower price :)

All the best in New Year!!!


  1. Anonymous12/31/2016

    I like this experiment very much and want to use the results for this blog, which also contains analysis of the Onecoin Blockchain, based on facts: https://onecoinonelifefacts.blogspot.com

    I want to check if the EXECUTED orders are visible in the Blockchain explorer. Do you know the exact timestamps of execution, or at least the dates, in GMT/UTC timezone?

  2. Anonymous12/31/2016

    I guess that in case an order is EXECUTED, the "Expires" column shows the Execution date in stead of the Expiry date.

    1. Hi, that's right. In column that shows "expired/executed/pending" status are the dates of final status. For instance I set an order 30.12.2016 and final status will be on Jan 6 2017. Till final status expired/executed all orders are in pending. Certainly, it would be nice to check it in blockchain explorer, but on xcoinx I do not have details.. just final date. As we notice change of status is happening beetween 10 am and 02 pm. Hope this will help. Thank you!

  3. Anonymous1/02/2017

    Thanks, this helps indeed. This is the most interesting experiment I've seen so far, especially because you seem to present facts only (instead of hyping it ;-) ).

    In a couple of days I will dedicate a special topic on this Transaction type. I'm still gathering material (i.e. screenshots, blockchain explorer data, etc) because I don't have an account with which I can do this myself.

    I am very curious if you will be able to get all your money back (or even profit from it) and I hope you will have the patience to keep us updated until the very end.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I will have patience, we all need quality informations.
